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The Most Shameful Draw Ever? European Aquatics 'Team Transparency' Has Total Waterpolo's Exhibit A Removed From Facebook

In 'copyright' dispute with continental regulator, Total Waterpolo is "assessing the situation and exploring ... options". Tells readers: 'Rest assured, we will continue to bring transparency to the sport and hold those in charge accountable, despite the ongoing attempts to silence us.'

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord
The Most Shameful Draw Ever? European Aquatics 'Team Transparency' Has Total Waterpolo's Exhibit A Removed From Facebook
Most shameful draw ever? Judge for yourself...

Editorial: In its latest post highlighting the short-comings of European Aquatics leaders who came to power on a ticket of 'transparency' that turned out to mean in word not deed, Total Waterpolo has highlighted blazer sensitivities over a comical draw-gone-wrong that will surely have and prospective sponsors of the sport clambering out of the water and running for the hills never to return as though the Shere Khan of Crocs was on their tail.

Is this the "most shameful draw in sports history", asks Total Waterpolo. Judge for yourself:

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord

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