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FORUM: WADA's Latest Misstep Confirms A Need For Red Flags & Reminders Of Its Role As Guardian Of Safe, Fair & Clean Sport
The China Crisis underpins the row with media over WADA's latest move to control the narrative

FORUM: WADA's Latest Misstep Confirms A Need For Red Flags & Reminders Of Its Role As Guardian Of Safe, Fair & Clean Sport

In this week's FORUM: as WADA seeks to suppress Press freedom, it might be wiser to take a history lesson and tighten its collective belt. Why? Our 'China Crisis: Origins' starts the SOS explanation; + our timeline of World records in March throughout history celebrates Leisel Jones & Aaron Peirsol

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord

This week's Forum Newsletter for SOS Subscribers takes us back to the World Anti-Doping Agency's handling of the China Crisis in sport, one that places swimming centre stage. WADA's latest misstep is one that will serve only to deepen growing mistrust in the global watchdog that in key regards appears to have lost its teeth.

This week, in a more-than uncomfortable reminder of highly questionable aspects of the 28 Chinese swimming positives four years ago but revealed only last year by media, saw WADA try to suppress Press freedom and criticism, be that from media or in media reports reflecting the lack of faith in the clean-sport organisation by imposing unacceptable conditions in its accreditation process.

Journalists have objected, including the International Sports Press Association (AIPS -  Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive), which issue a very rare public rebuke of an official global watchdog in response to demands from WADA we set out in this week's THEMA.

Underpinning yet another move that indicates WADA's desire to control the narrative, the meaning of transparency and definitions of rules for all" and "equal treatment of all nations and athletes" in a world where athletes work in starkly differing conditions and environments is a history of a China Crisis that the global watchdog appears to have ignored - or perhaps, under current leadership, was never even aware of.

We consider the latest WADA move and his weekend, we take subscribers back to the 1980s and the dying days of the GDR era in the first part of a China Crisis series in our China Diaries section (which includes a mixture of free - simply subscribe by registering an email - and paid-for content - paid subscriptions): China Crisis, Origins.

A fine weekend to all readers.

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord

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