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The Vortex - Long & 3 USA Teammates Sanctioned For "Failing To Respect" Para teammate Raleigh Crossley

September Vortex: Paralympic punishments for Team USA members; SOS in the Sports & Politics Podcast on the IOC presidential race; Tom Dean's eponymous Swim School; Matt Tutton's' #swimthrift - and more

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord
The Vortex - Long & 3 USA Teammates Sanctioned For "Failing To Respect" Para teammate Raleigh Crossley

The Vortex, our monthly compilation of news, views and links to enticing waters far and wide, is available as part of our offer of free content to those who register as readers with us simply by leaving an email. Subscriptions are also available for those who wish to support out work. Thank you

In the Vortex in September:

  • Long & Three USA Teammate Sanctioned For "Failing To Respect" Paralympic teammate Christie Raleigh Crossley
  • The SOS Take On The Race For IOC President In The Sport & Politics Podcast: 7 chase the top spot - I explain why I believe former swim ace Kirsty Coventry would be the wrong choice
  • Tom Dean Launches Eponymous Swim School
  • Glasgow steps in to save Commonwealth Games
  • anti-doping schism deepens over Cottier conclusion on China 23-go-free saga - USADA's statement in full, summing up skepticism held far and wide.

And, our public-view snippet of the week:

Got Any Old Equipment In Good Condition? Contact Tutton's Terrific #swimthrift Initiative

Contributions to #swimthrift

British swim coach Matthew Tutton started a great initiative a while back - and now #swimthrift is going from strength to strength.

He describes it as being "about helping others enjoy swimming and keep costs down by repurposing equipment that is no longer needed by one person to someone who does need it. Some equipment is sold to cover my costs, and some items are given away. But all with the intention of helping people to swim, train, and enjoy our sport."

The basic idea is simple: if you have old flippers, paddles, boards and other equipment that is in good working order but is parked in a cupboard, usurped by the latest evolution of kit, then do yourself and others a favour: clear some space in your swim-kit cupboard, get in touch with Matt through his LinkedIn profile and tell him what you've got and through #swimthrift help other swimmers and swim families get hold of equipment or part of equipment on affordable terms or for free through coach Tutton's initiative.

Matt says the scheme has been "super rewarding already, and it continues to grow", adding:

"I am slowly building up a variety of equipment donated by more and people, which is very much appreciated. Thank you all. I currently have kick boards, pull buoys, fins, paddles, snorkels, some mesh bags, bathers, and jammers. (Reminder most of these items are pre-owned and repurposed).
"Thank you so much to everyone who has gotten involved with this. There has already been circumstances that were truly heartwarming, and it has also been great to be able to support people when a simple strap breaks on equipment or something simple like that.
"If you have any items that you are getting rid of, think of #swimthrift, and you too could help others enjoy swimming."
Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord

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