Ford’s Book Has Bach Backing Fight To “Right Wrongs” Of GDR Doping After Decades Of IOC Inaction
On the 50th anniversary of the official birth of the GDR's State Plan 14:25 doping program, we recall the first sign of hope that the IOC knows the truth and may one day act on it, Thomas Bach having indicated as much in Michelle Ford's Turning The Tide with this author

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic's State Research Plan 14:25, a good moment to recall that half a century on, we are still waiting for the slightest spark of hope to be converted to action in Olympic sports governance. The following article from SOS in March on the eve of the launch at the Manley Book Festival in Sydney of Turning The Tide, Michelle Ford's book with this author, focusses on the first chink of light to emerge from the IOC.
The SOS overview:

Sydney, March 1, 2024.
The International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach has given a significant boost to hopes of justice, recognition and reconciliation for all athletes impacted by the GDR doping era when the Cold War spilled into sport.