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Bach Overlooks Milliat In Paris Parity Games Opening Speech

Sticking with patriarchal tradition, IOC celebrates founding father of the Games Pierre de Coubertin but bypasses founding mother Alice Milliat of women's rights to participate in Olympic sport

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord
Bach Overlooks Milliat In Paris Parity Games Opening Speech
Thomas Bach delivering his presidential speech - photo courtesy of the IOC

Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, stuck rigidly to the history of a patriarchy in his speech at the opening ceremony at the "Parity"Olympic Games today when he failed to mention the founding mother of the Modern Games, Alice Milliat.

The IOC has boasted that there are as many female athletes in Paris as male athletes, parity of the sexes achieved for the first time in history. That does not actually apply in all sports, including swimming.

Swimming includes more men that women in Paris though it is a sport that demonstrates why pure numbers are only a part of the picture: swimming has precisely the same events and numbers of events for women as men.

Meanwhile, Bach, sticking to the line that all the men who proceeded him as president, celebrated founding father of the Games, Pierre de Coubertin but bypassed the chance to celebrated the woman who fought for the rights of women to be included in the Olympic Games.

He also made a passing mention to "full gender parity on the field of play" instead os using the word "sex" top reflect the critical importance of biological sport to fair play - for both men and women.   

Bach, who posed for a token photo in the Athletes' Village with the one Russian swimmer in Paris (many others were ineligible or did not feel able to choose the Olympics over the Russian regime) next to a 'peace' sign, also stated: "Now we are part of an event that unites the world in peace."

Easy to say but those under attack in a world the IOC is a part of feel quite differently.

As Vadym Guttsait, Olympic fencing champion, noted when talking to Jens Weinreich at The Inquisitor: "For us, there is no festival of peace." He added:

"In war, Russia must not participate. Ukrainians are being killed every day.As long as there is war, Russia must not be part of Olympic sport."

The full speech delivered by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach during the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, 26 July 2024:

IOC President’s speech – Olympic Games Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony

Good evening Paris! Good evening France! 

Dear athletes,  

Dear President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, 

Dear President of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, my fellow Olympian and dear friend, Tony Estanguet, 

Dear Mayor of Paris, Mrs. Anne Hidalgo, 

Your Excellencies, 

Dear Olympic friends, 

Finally, the moment has arrived: welcome to the Olympic Games Paris 2024! 

My heartfelt thanks go to our gracious French hosts. Thank you for welcoming us in such a spectacular way. The Olympic flame will make Paris and all of France shine even brighter.  

We are deeply grateful to all our French friends. First and foremost to the President of the French Republic. All our gratitude also goes to the public authorities at all levels as well as the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, under the excellent leadership of my fellow Olympian, Tony Estanguet. You are bringing our Olympic Agenda reforms to life by making these Games wide open. All of us will experience Olympic Games that are more inclusive, more urban, younger and more sustainable – the first Olympic Games with full gender parity on the field of play.  

A special thanks goes to the thousands of volunteers. Thank you for your commitment. Your smiles make us fall in love even more with Paris and France. 

Our thanks also go to whole team of the Organising Committee, of the public services and to everyone who is contributing to make these Olympic Games an unforgettable experience.  

What better place than Paris, to share this magic of the Olympic Games with the whole world.  

Paris, the birthplace of our founder, Pierre de Coubertin, to whom we owe everything. 

Paris, City of Light, where he created the modern Olympic Games. 

Paris, City of Love. 

Thank you, France, for this magical welcome. 

Dear fellow athletes, 

This is the pinnacle of your Olympic journey. You have come to Paris as athletes. Now you are Olympians.  

Stepping into the Olympic Village, you realise like generations of Olympians before: now I am part of something bigger than myself. Now we are part of an event that unites the world in peace.  

In our Olympic world, there is no “global south” or “global north”. We all respect the same rules and each other. In our Olympic world, we all belong.  

As Olympians, we care for each other. We do not only respect each other, we live in solidarity with each other. All of you have experienced this and benefitted from our Olympic solidarity on your long journey to finally becoming Olympians. This solidarity is made possible through the generous support of all our Media Rights Holders and TOP Partners. All together, we thank them and everyone who supported you on your Olympic journey. 

In a world torn apart by wars and conflicts, it is thanks to this solidarity that we can all come together tonight, uniting the athletes from the territories of all 206 National Olympic Committees and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team.  

Welcome to the best athletes of the world – welcome, Olympians! 

Some may say, we in the Olympic world, we are dreamers.  

But we are not the only ones.  

And our dream is coming true tonight: a reality for everyone to see. Olympians from all around the globe, showing us what greatness we humans are capable of.  

So I invite everybody: dream with us. Like the Olympic athletes, be inspired with the joy that only sport can give us. Let us celebrate this Olympic spirit of living life in peace, as the one and only humankind, united in all our diversity. 

This is why tonight, with my heart full of emotions, I invite the whole world: let us celebrate this joy of sport together with all the athletes. Have faith in the future. Together, let us celebrate the best of our shared humanity.  

Long live the Olympic Games! Long live France! 

Now I have the great honour of inviting the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, to declare open the  Games of the 33rd Olympiad Paris 2024. 

Craig Lord profile image
by Craig Lord

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